Política de Privacidade

Who we are:
Our website address is: http://apkbomb.com.

When you leave comments, we collect the data in the form, your IP address, and browser details for spam detection. If you use Gravatar, your profile picture will be shown next to your comment after approval.

Avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS), as visitors can extract that data.

If you comment, you can save your name, email, and website in cookies for one year. Login cookies last two days, or two weeks if you select “Remember Me”. Article edit cookies expire after one day.

Embedded content:
Embedded content from other websites may track your data and interactions, just as if you visited that website.

Data sharing:
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

Data retention:
Comments and their metadata are stored indefinitely. Registered users can view, edit, or delete their personal information, but cannot change their username. Admins can also manage this information.

Your rights:
You can request an export of your personal data or ask us to delete it, except for any data we need to keep for legal reasons.

Where your data goes:
Comments may be checked through automated spam detection services.